Mayo-Macs Training

Mayo-Macs Training

14 June 2019

Rossmin was one of the proud sponsors at two training days held at Park Rynie and Eston during June.

The training is aimed at farmers new to the Macadamia Nut industry targeting new entrants to this international growing lucrative crop. As with any agricultural endeavour, soil preparation prior to planting is key to the success of the crop and directly proportional to the yield. SA soils are in many instances acidic, and Rossmin Agricultural Limestone is essential in reducing acid saturation levels to create a healthy environment for root growth to be nurtured and plants to thrive.

Rossmin has also recently registered a high quality Micro-fine agricultural limestone branded Micro-Ag. The limestone particle size is considerably smaller than the traditional agricultural limestone, giving it a greater surface area, and is a lot more reactive interacting with the soils and plants much quicker.

As well as the soil ameliorating effects of Rossmin Limestone, the high quality mineral is also a source of Calcium and Magnesium in plant health.